Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bee Mine Nourishing Shampoo and Conditioner Review

Okay, so I know you guys are tired of seeing me mention the Bee Mine products and saying that the review is coming soon so....Here it is!! Part 1 anyway, lol. First, I would like to thank Bee Mine for allowing me to review their products. I will be reviewing the Peppermint & Tea Tree Nourishing Shampoo and Avocado Cream Balanced Conitioner along with the Hair Growth Serum with Sulfur.

Before washing with Bee Mine, Kurly T's hair had been in an "out" style this week of a small veil up front and 2 puffs in the back. Here is what it looked like after I took out the bands....


Bee Mine Peppermint & Tea Tree Nourishing Shampoo
8 oz $12.97
2 oz $4

I had used some product this week that contained mineral oil and wanted to make sure I washed really well to get all that out of her hair. I only needed a small amount of the shampoo to get a good later. I can't quite put my finger on the scent, it smells like a mixture of cough syrup and cocoa butter, it wasn't terrible just different. But it doesn't linger so that's good. I only needed to wash once to get her scalp really clean and to remove old product from her hair. And as I said, a little goes a long way with this and that's always a plus for us!

Bee Mine Avocado Cream Balanced Conditioner
8 oz $12.97
2 oz $4

The conditioner didn't have as much slip as I would have liked, so I knew I wasn't going to be able to detangle with it. I left it on for about 5 minutes, while Kurly T ate some chips, lol.


After rinsing her hair felt very soft. I love anything that doesn't make her hair feel like a brillo pad. The scent was similar to the shampoo, but again, it didn't linger. I used my regular detangler (Giovanni Direct Leave In) to comb through her hair and sealed with coconut oil. I oiled her scalp with our oil mix (tea tree, grapeseed, sweet almond, and coconut oil) and banded her hair in 10 ponytails with 3 goody bands each. I'll leave this overnight and style tomorrow.


Mango Scent Hair Growth Serum with Sulfur
8 oz $15
2 oz $5

I opted to choose this product because of the benefits of sulfur that I've read. Sulfur increases the circulation of your scalp, nourishing your hair follicles resulting in hair growth stimulation. A lot of moms at Kurly T's daycare ask what I use to get her hair to grow so long. Personally, I don't think her hair is amazingly long, but I know that everyone's hair grows and there is no product that will grow your hair long. It's about the way your hair is taken care of to retain the growth. But I wanted to see what this serum would do for us. Before I used this product on my daughter I tested a small area on the back of her hand to see if she would have a reaction to sulfur, as some people can be allergic. No reaction...we were good to go. This scent definitely smells like cough syrup. I only applied this product around her edges. This product is designed for those that have alopecia, hair loss, balding or thinning. Kurly T's edges are shorter than the rest of her hair, I call it her "halo" and it drives me crazy. I will have to continue using this product before I can fully report on the success or failure.

Overall, I like the Bee Mine Shampoo and Conditioner. I am loving the fact that these products are silicone, sulfate, paraben and protein free! If you are interested in Bee Mine Products click here.


  1. Thanks for the review! I like the banded ponytails, they look cute on her.

  2. Shoot,her bande ponies look good as a style itsself! : )
